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Shark Attack Theology

Satan attacks are like shark attacks. We make the mistake of swimming around in temptaion until we get bit. So let’s dive into some shark attack theology.

But first, I want to acknowledge that the shark attacks that occurred last week on the panhandle are horrible and I cannot imagine being one of the victims. It is truly scary and I am praying for them and their recoveries. A fun trip to the beach turned into a life-changing nightmare. This was a tragedy. But this got me to thinking more about the sharks in our life.

Sharks Everywhere

When reading about the shark attacks on social media, there were a lot of comments. Many lifetime Floridians had anecdotal stories of swimming with sharks all around and not thinking much about it, especially as a kid. Just a few weeks ago, my neighbor showed me a video she took from her boat. She videoed a man standing out on a sandbar with about 30 bull sharks swimming around him.

Yes, this is a crazy thing to do, but thankfully the man wasn’t attacked.

Others in the chat brought up the fact that the sharks have always been around, swimming close by and we just weren’t aware of their presence. Only when we are saturated with images and video of sharks swimming close to the shore do we begin to realize the great numbers of them.

But the sharks are silent. And unless they mistake you for a fish, they typically leave humans alone. At least that’s what we tell ourselves when we head to the beach!

The Facts About Sharks

“Worldwide, there were 69 unprovoked shark bites on humans in 2023, and 36 of them were in the U.S. Two of the 36 were fatal: one in Hawaii, the other in California. Florida saw 16 shark attacks, more than any other state, just like in previous years, according to the International Shark Attack File report of the Florida Museum. In 2023, there was a 12.2% decrease in shark bites compared with 2022.” –USA Today

I’m including these facts so you’ll not worry TOO much the next time you are at the beach. But that’s not really my main point!

Temptation is Like Those Sharks

Temptation and sin are all around us, but especially on our phones and tablets. They can be really quiet like sharks. Remember, we can be swimming with sharks and not even know it. And when we pick up our phones every day, we are one click or scroll away from fifty more. The next thing we know, a shark has taken a bite out of us. This is what I’ve coined “Shark Attack Theology.”

I know pornography is the first thing that comes to mind, but the truth is, sin shows up in so many other ways. I was just having a phone conversation with my daughter this morning about how hard it is to put the phone down once you start scrolling on social media. She has really made a point to not be on there but it’s hard. I am really proud of her efforts. It’s a struggle for all of us and affects each of us differently.

Testing the Water

What kinds of sin am I talking about? Here are some behaviors that come from swimming with the sharks. You may not get bit every time, but your chances increase the more you are in the water. Or in this case, on your phone.

  • Laziness
  • Envy
  • Lust
  • Poor Judgement
  • Hatred
  • Prejudice
  • Deceit
  • Loose tongue
  • Worry
  • Comparison
  • Anger
  • Jealousy
  • Foolishness
  • Believe false teaching
  • Wise in our own eyes
  • Wasting Time
  • Anxiety
  • Steals Joy

Just to name a few.

Even as I write this I feel a bit hypocritical because chances are, you are reading this on your phone or tablet! And of course I want you to keep coming here and checking out my blog and shop. And yet, I still think it’s better to spend as little time as possible on our phones.

Swimming with Sharks

So how do we swim with the sharks and not get bit? Let me offer a few ideas.

First, ask yourself, “Am I wasting time?” There are a lot of different things we do on our phone that serve a purpose. But there are also a lot of things that don’t. Endless scrolling eats at our time. So does watching hours of YouTube or listening to podcasts.

Here’s a great example. Have you ever started looking for recipes on Pinterest and realized an hour later that it’s now too late to start making any of these meals you just watched someone else make. It leaves you empty and frustrated. And headed out the door to Chick-fil-A!

If you don’t have a good idea how much time you are spending on your phone, go to Screen Time in your settings and get the breakdown. Even obsessing about the weather can be a problem when you are spending hours of your week checking on it. (It’s pouring buckets of rain as I am typing, so it came to my mind!)

Here’s what the Bible says about wasting time.

 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 
-Ephesians 5:15-17

More Shark Attack Theology

Next, ask yourself “Are the things I’m reading and watching causing me to stumble or be tempted?” Be real about this. Scroll back up to my list and see if any of these behaviors are creeping in more and more.

If you are listening to political podcasts, you can pretty quickly get angry and anxious. Home and garden feeds can lead you to comparison, jealousy and overspending. You aren’t making your own sourdough bread and suddenly you’re a failure.

I think Solomon understood our challenges.

I turned my heart to know and to search out and to seek wisdom and the scheme of things, and to know the wickedness of folly and the foolishness that is madness.    
-Ecclesiastes 7:25

It’s hard to discern sometimes what is worth our time, and how much of our time. It’s different for each of us. But mostly, we need to be asking ourselves “If Jesus was me, what would he be doing on his phone?” How would he be swimming with the sharks?

If Jesus Had a Phone

He would probably spend most of his time calling others and checking in on them. Then he would use it for driving directions to go visit them. Pretty simple steps. He would be seeking real fellowship and ways to serve others. So, here are a few ideas.

  • Go get on Pinterest, find that recipe, make it, and go take it to someone.
  • Watch the tutorials on cardmaking. Make the cards and mail them to the people you love and care about.
  • Binge watch The Chosen, but invite someone to watch with you.
  • Watch a few , just a few, reels on fun things to do with kids. Next, go do one of them with your kids or grandkids.
  • Listen to more podcasts on sermons and less on, well, anything else!
  • Use your phone to glorify God.
  • Take Screen Sabbaticals

I feel like there’s so much more to say on this but this is really the perfect place to end this lesson on Shark Attack Theology.

If you don’t want to get bit by the sharks, don’t spend too much time with them!

You are precious in His sight,

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