
Life Without Labels

Life without labels. Can you imagine it? Honestly, it’s pretty hard. As someone in their 50s, it would be easy to nostalgically claim that we use to not label everyone. But in reality, it’s not true.

Since the beginning of time, society has put labels on people. Even in Biblical times there were many labels: the blind man, the widow, the Pharisee, the Samaritan, the Gentile, the tax collector, the fisherman. The labels weren’t just in the New Testament. I imagine a common question though out the Bible might have been, “What tribe are you from?” Rahab is remembered as the prostitute and no one probably enjoyed the label of being a descendant of Cain. Life without labels has nver existed in this world.

The labels go all the way to the beginning of creation with man, woman, and first sinners. That last label would have been a hard one to swallow! Talk about the weight of the world on your shoulders.

Same Labels, Different Words

Today we continue to use labels for race, gender, ethnicity and life status, but we use different words. Labels like demon-possessed, leper, bleeding woman, blind and mute, prodigal son, and zealot could be swapped for these labels: mentally ill, schizophrenic, chronic disease, disabled, physically challenged, drug addict, bipolar, and extremist. Even our current popular labels regarding sexual identity, racism and political stance are nothing new. We just use different words to make our labels. Salomon reminds us in Ephesians 1:9

"What has been will be again,
    what has been done will be done again;
    there is nothing new under the sun."

To be fair, labels are useful. They help us sort our people and their difference. I personally find it helpful to know I am a woman and my husband is a man! God gave us those labels and they give order to our life.

But in most circumstances , labels get in the way if you want to follow Christ. They certainly got in the way of the apostles when it came to the Samaritans and the Gentiles. The label “son” caused incredible grief for the Israelites. Moses was saved, but think of all the Hebrew mothers that lost their baby boys because of Pharoah’s edict to kill all the boy babies. (Exodus 1:22) Also, a very short time ago, mother’s in China saw this same fate for their babies with he label “girl”. Labels can cause agony and heartache.

Jesus Threw Out the Labels

Jesus example of life without labels is truly compelling. He welcomed Simon, the Zealot, and Matthew, the tax collector, as freely as the young, lower-class fishermen brothers. (LOOK AT ALL THOSE LABELS!) The woman at the well, a Samaritan with multiple divorces and currently living with a man, was offered love, grace, and the living water.

Can We Really Live Like Christ?

Do you find it easy to understand the love Christ offered to all the sick and sinners with labels, but difficult to translate that to today? How do we show love to people with LGBTQ labels, or the mentally-ill, after more deadly shootings in Nashville and Louisville in recent weeks.

It’s a difficult and compelling question. Especially when sin is at the root of it. Sexual sin and murder are not things we should dismiss because Jesus didn’t.

Letting Go of the Labels

So let’s go back to the idea of life without labels. First, can we acknowledge that labels serve a purpose here on earth? God actually gave us the labels man and woman, so of course they are important. They are the foundation of who we are in God’s image. The problem begins when we use labels to judge, criticize, and even lie about people based on labels. We see this happen daily in the news and on social media.

A Story for the Ages

Do you remember the story when Jesus wrote in the sand? (John 8:3-11) The rulers and Pharisees are on a mission to trick Jesus. They bring a woman with the label adulteress to Jesus and remind Jesus that the law states she should be stoned. Jesus bends down and begins writing in the sand. Scripture doesn’t tell us what he wrote, but he says to them, “If any of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Slowly they all leave and just the woman is left standing with Jesus. No on can condemn her based on Jesus question. Jesus tells her, “Then neither do I condemn you. Go now, and leave your life of sin.”

Jesus didn’t say, ” Go now. I’m ignoring your sinful life. It’s okay.”

This story offers us hope in our label-ridden world. First, we don’t need to condemn someone for their sin if we have sin in our own life. That pretty much covers everyone. I admit though, this is a tough pill to swallow when we think of the current things happening around us. But there is a second part to Jesus message. He told her to leave her life of sin. We need to actively encourage those who are sinning to stop. This is much more difficult than just staying silent and ignoring the sin. Jesus didn’t say, ” Go now. I’m ignoring your sinful life. It’s okay.”

Is Jesus Example Too Hard To Follow?

The labels and the blurry lines of what is acceptable in today’s culture can make this story feel unrelatable and unattainable. But that’s just Satan spreading lies. God doesn’t give us examples in the Bible that are meant for 2000 years ago, but not applicable today. Look at this situation.

An activist standing outside an abortion clinic is holding up a sign that says, “Stop Killing Babies!” and yelling at the pregnant woman as she enters the clinic. Now compare that person to the one who quietly stands outside the abortion clinic, approaching women and asking if they can pray for them or asking them compelling questions before they enter the clinic. It’s obvious that we can be like Jesus in these situations. Clearly the condemning person is not going to be changing anyone’s mind as they walk into the clinic. However, we have real examples of woman who have paused to talk to someone who seems to care, and decided to not go into the clinic.

Life Hasn’t Gotten Harder

We want to believe that life is harder now than it used to be and somehow more dangerous. We hesitate to acknowledge the evil in our society. All of the apostles were murdered for their faith except John, and he had to go into exile. Do we really think life is harder now? If you don’t know the history of Russia and Germany in the last 100 years, go learn about the atrocities done to Christians and Jews. Persecution of believers hos been happening since the Israelites were slaves in Egypt. Listen to what Jesus had to say about persecution in John 15:19-20. Don’t be afraid share the good news that will rescue people from sin and lead them to Jesus.

 "If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they kept my word, they will also keep yours."

The label Christ-follower is the only label that matters in the end. The way we treat others through God’s eyes as one made in his image, is one of our greatest challenges as a believer. An even greater challenge is to share the gospel and not give up on people with certain labels. Check out Two Prisms for encouragement and hope. They share stories of individuals who labeled themselves LGBTQ, but have found hope in Christ and thrown away their old labels. God is good!

Equipped with Knowledge, Biblical and Cultural

To keep your heart open, spend more time reading your Bible, memorizing scripture and listening to good messages about God’s truth. But, we shouldn’t hide ourselves from the things happening. On the contrary, we should be fully aware, but don’t let it make your heart turn cynical, fearful or hateful. I truly believe it’s a balance of where we spend the most time. Make sure it’s in the Word. For more encouragement, I recommend Natasha Crain’s podcast titled Navigating Culture with Grace and Truth with Sean McDowell.

Ephesians 6:10 tells us to put on the full armor of God to be ready for the devil’s schemes. Pray for wisdom and discernment. God will bring justice. We need to be his hands and feet, showing love and pointing the lost to him. Let go of the labels and trust in God for courage to share the good news.

You are precious in His sight,

Life Without LabelsLife Without Labels

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