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Praying for Our Country Yet?

The Heart Behind the Shirt

This T-shirt, “Praying for Our Country Yet?”, evolved in my mind pretty quickly a few months ago. It was the middle of “pride” month.

You know when you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach that makes you feel anxious and uneasy? That’s how I was feeling, sitting in the airport in Tampa, I was on my way to go visit my sweet granddaughter, daughter, and son-in-law. I had already noticed several rainbow themed displays as I walked through the airport.


It’s Hard to Not Get Angry

Can I jog your memory a bit to recall the week in June when three teenagers were arrested and charged with a felony for leaving scooter marks on the rainbow flag painted on a street in Spokane. Prosecutors demanded a $15,000 bond for the teens. So, this was the same week I was at the airport. I already was feeling frustrated by the headlines like these. Though I don’t think the teens were correct in their behavior, I could understand their desire to “fight back” and the penalty seemed unreal.

Back at the airport, I was feeling disheartened. The Southwest gate next to me was all on display with rainbows. (I was thankful to be flying Sun Country that day.) If you didn’t know what those flags stood for, you would think they were fun. And I knew my three year old granddaughter would love them. I didn’t take pictures. Ironically they popped immediately with a quick Google search. Photos are courtesy of Tampa International Airport’s Facebook page.

Thinking about my granddaughter loving those rainbow flags made that pit in my stomach grow bigger. Anger was right under the surface. But the complete feeling of helplessness for the future generation was even stronger. The dread and fear that rose from my gut was something I had been experiencing more and more. God’s children are growing up in a culture of depravity that has hit a new level. The opening ceremony of the Olympics last week further confirms it. None of it is shocking to me. But it still evokes strong emotions.

Start Praying for our Country

Mostly it just feels so unfair that my granddaughter, and all the other kids in this world, have to grow up in these times. Of course, life’s not fair and we live in a fallen world. There have been worse times. But still, the pit in my stomach wasn’t going away. That day as I sat in the airport, the heaviness of life just seemed too much. It was stealing the joy of my trip to see family.

As I sat waiting for my plane, I started to pray. I prayed for God to help my granddaughter stay safe in his loving arms. I prayed for her little brother that was due in December. My prayer included protection for them from the culture, and to keep all my kids and their spouses strong in their faith and seeking God’s wisdom.

And then I began to pray for our country. The problem goes way beyond just the United States, but change has to start somewhere, and that’s where I live. Seeds have to be planted. Hearts have to get brave.

Wear Your Faith

After I prayed, the idea for the shirt came into my mind and I sketched it so I wouldn’t forget it when I got back home a week later.

To be honest, I didn’t use to be a big fan of Christian themed shirts. You’ll probably find that funny since my shop is full of them. A few years ago, I realized I didn’t like them because if I wore one, I had to be accountable to others, a witness. I was proud to wear my Kentucky Wildcats tee, so why should I feel embarrassed to wear a shirt that shares my most precious gift, being a follower of Christ? I had to check my heart and I decided I needed to be a bit braver in showing the world who I was.

My husband and I were just discussing this a few days ago. He was wearing the “Praying for Our Country Yet?” shirt and he had run into the gas station to get change for the air pump in the parking lot so he could inflate a tire. The clerk was rude and didn’t want to give him change. Chris was taken aback and also frustrated. However, the shirt spurred him on to take the higher road in the encounter. I just love that!

Another thing about t-shirts, I don’t like ones that have hurtful messages. Ironically, some folks will see “Praying for Our Country Yet?” as hate speech. But it’s not! It’s God’s instruction to us. We are to pray, ask, and seek God in our hour of need. Friends, we are in a time of great need.

 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8

If we want to see hearts change, we have to ask God for help and for his will to be done. That’s how I got rid of that pit in my stomach. I ask every day and trust that God’s will be done in my life. Sure, that uneasy feeling can resurface sometimes, but trusting God’s sovereignty helps so much.

Don’t worry, there’s no pressure to buy the shirt. But there is an urgent need to pray. And if you love the shirt, I hope you’ll get one and spread the word!

You are precious in His sight,


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