
Have You Ever Read Your Bible in a Year?

Have you ever read your Bible in a year? I have to admit, I am one of those people that has started off with good intentions on January 1st, but always dropped the ball about the time I hit Leviticus. That is, until this year!

I haven’t finished yet because it’s only August, but I’m pretty confident I will successfully read the Bible in a year in 2024. This is pretty exciting and I just wanted to share why it’s been different this time.

Reading the Bible in a Year Is Exciting

You are probably a bit doubtful that reading through your Bible in a Year can be that exciting. But when you commit to it with intentionality and accountability, it really is. Especially once you get through Leviticus! I just finished Isaiah and honestly, I feel like it’s smooth sailing from here.

Accountability Might Be the Key

One thing is different this year. My husband is also reading though the Bible in a year. The funny thing is, he didn’t jump on board until maybe February. So, he had some catching up to do. That alone might be the encouragement you need to get started. But more to the point, there is something about knowing someone is in the challenge with you. Having some accountability can be a real encouragement on the days you don’t think you have the time to read a few chapters. One of us might get behind a few days but we always catch back up because we want to stay in it together. Proverbs 27:17 tells us “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”

This is so true. Whenever we grow our faith with others, in community, we learn more. It’s so helpful (and interesting) to get someone else’s perspective when reading God’s word. We can ask each other questions and seek wisdom from each other. If you want to make it all the way to Revelation, I highly recommend doing it with one or two other friends or family members that will help keep you plugging along.


Tools to Help You Succeed

Print a Reading Plan

Here are a few suggestions to help you succeed at reading your Bible in a year. One way is to print off the reading plan and mark it off each day after you finish reading. You will feel a sense of accomplishment. Also, when you visually see what you have accomplished, it spurs you on to keep going. I like to use the Blue Letter Bible Chronological reading plan. Download it and print it to get started. And, you know you can start this reading plan any day of the year. You don’t have to wait for January 1st.

A journal is another great place to mark off your reading progress. I love my Growth Book because it has a place to check off each chapter as you read through your Bible. It also has pages for prayers, scripture memory and more.

Podcast and Videos

One of the things that has helped me the most this year is listening to the Bible Recap every day after I read the passage. Tara Leigh Cobble, host of the Bible Recap, is a wealth of knowledge. I think you will be amazed at what you will learn as you read, and then listen each day. You can also watch her on YouTube if you like something visual.

Here’s a list of a few other podcasts and YouTube channels that I enjoy listening and watching to get more background and knowledge on what I am reading. Make it more interesting by listen to different perspectives and summaries of books of the Bible.

Let me know if you have any good finds to add to this list. I think the more resources we have to help us as we read through the Bible in a year, the better.


As you read through the Bible, I’ve got one more thing to help you. This summer, I began making Bible in a Year printables that will help you remember what you’ve read. After I had gone through a few months of reading this year, I realized that when I looked back, I was struggling to remember a lot of what I had read. All those Old Testament stories and books started to run together. So, I decided to start making printable Reminder Cards and stickers. Each set covers important themes and key verse that help remind you of important points you want to remember about each books.

I have really enjoyed flipping through the cards once a week to refresh my memory of what I have learned. The stickers are a fun smaller size that are perfect to put in the margins of a journaling Bible. You can print them on clear or white sticker paper. I love stickers and I hope you do too.

Using Our Time Wisely

I know you can come up with a ton of excuses of why you can’t read through your Bible in a year. I was the same way. Especially if you are doing other Bible studies, it just seems like there’s not enough time. As I mentioned before. I don’t execute this perfectly. Some days I miss and then I have to make up for a day or two. That’s totally okay. The more consistent you are, the easier it gets and you will be more likely to make up that missed day quickly.

Count up those hours in your day and what you are doing with them. God instructs us to use our time wisely. What can you give up to fit this into your schedule? It usually takes about 15-20 minutes. Maybe you just get up a little earlier each day. I hope you will join me on this journey. I can guarantee you won’t regret it.

You are precious in His sight,

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