
How I Kicked My Coke Habit

You know you need to stop this bad habit

Is drinking a Coke every day a bad habit you would like to stop? You know it’s bad for you. You know it keeps you from losing weight. There is NOTHING healthy in a Coke. Do you feel bad that you drink them, but find it hard to stop? Believe me, I know and I feel your pain!

Is this part of your story?

About once a month, you announce to your spouse, or anyone who might be listening.
“I’m going to stop buying Cokes. No more. Don’t buy any because I don’t want to be tempted. “Three days later you are at the grocery store. . . heading to that treacherous soda aisle. . . looking for the LaCreux. Thirty minutes later you are unloading the groceries and explaining to that same spouse that you picked up some Cokes since your son is coming home for the weekend. Your son actually loves Dr. Pepper, but he’ll be happy to have a Coke! And then, you drink a few over the next few days.

It sounds like you have a drinking problem. Maybe you do!

Bad habits. We all have them and some are worse than others. Do you have a hard time breaking bad habits? Or perhaps the better question is “Do you struggle to stop doing the things you hate that you do?” It reminds me of what Paul said in the Bible.

"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. "  -Romans 7:15

Drinking Coke is absolutely a bad habit!

But one thing I know for sure, you can stop drinking those Cokes. I know because I have done it. Yes, I have kicked that Coke habit for stretches of 30 days or more at a time. I will occasionally have one now as a treat, but honestly, they don’t taste that great anymore.

You will find the same thing to be true once you stop drinking them. After awhile, (take a deep breath) you won’t like them and you will feel soooooo much better! You know that sluggish mind fog you feel about an hour after you drink a Coke? This will no longer happen.

Kicking your Coke habit will give you more energy and, dare I say it, you might even lose a few pounds.

You CAN kick the Coke habit

So how do you break this habit? First, you make a decision that you are in control of your life and your choices.


You want more energy and you want to feel better on the inside and outside. And did you also know it’s bad for your teeth and stomach, it makes you dehydrated, leads to diabetes and bone loss. You can get more details on this here.

Next, you find something else to drink to fill that void. You will miss the caffeine and sugar you are used to consuming every day. My substitute beverage, and lifesaver, is an Energy Fizz Stick. It sounds fun and you know what, it is fun! Here’s why you will love this drink!

You will love the Fizzies because they are good for:

  • Energy
  • Cognitive Performance
  • Endurance
  • Reducing Fatigue

Energy Fizz Sticks come in several flavors, are vegan and have several impressive certifications. But the bottom line is, you want to kick your Coke habit, these will help! They taste good and they actually fizz up like a Coke. You will be energized and they are GOOD for you!

They are also portable! Carry a stick packet in your purse and add to water whenever you are ready for a fizz. This is a gamechanger when you go out to eat and want to order a Coke. Order water, add fizz, watch is bubble up and enjoy.

I wish I could wave a magic wand and we could all be instantly healthy. You’ve picked up lots of bad habits you wish you didn’t have. I would love to help you get on a healthy road for the future Let’s start the change with just this ONE thing. You’ve got this.

You are precious in His sight,


*This is an affiliate post and I will earn a commission from this product that I love. Go here for more info.

How I Kicked My Coke Habit

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