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Healthy Mango Salsa

Mangos have become my latest obsession. I have loved them for awhile, but when i ended up with a mango tree in my backyard, the love increased. The mango is known as the “King of Fruit” because it is one of the most widely consumed fruit in the world.

One of my favorite foods with featuring mangoes is Mango Salsa. Unfortunately, most jars of Mango Salsa are loaded with preservatives and sugar. So, I decided to find a recipe that was clean, fresh and healthy. Be careful what you pair with this healthy mano salsa, or it won’t stay too healthy.

Start with Tomatillos

.Don’t get intimidated by tomatillos. I was and I didn’t need to be. And no, they aren’t green tomatoes! They do look like a green tomato, but they have a husk around them that you just pull off with your hands. You want to wash them after you remove the husk. If you want to know more about this cute little fruit, you can read more here.

Tomatillos and Salsa

Tomatillos are the based for most green salsas. You start by roasting them, This is a quick and easy process. Simply husk the tomatillos and cut them in half. Spread them out on a parchment-lined cookie sheet. This recipe includes roasting a jalapeno as well. Just split your jalapeno in half, remove the seed and place on the cookie sheet. If you don’t want any spice, just leave them out. I like to roast it, then add as much as I want for spice. Jalapenos vary so much so I think you need to test it after it’s roasted and decide how much to want to add.

Healthy Salsa with Mango

The reason this salsa is healthy is because it hardly has any ingredients. After you roast the tomatillos and jalapeno, you want to blend it in your food processor with some fresh lime juice, cilantro and kosher salt. Chop up a mongo and put it in your serving bowl. Then, pour the blended green sauce over the mangoes and stir. That’s it. It is so fresh and really tasty. If you are making it ahead of time, store it in the fridge in a mason jar to keep it fresh for a few days.

What’s Healthy about Mango Salsa?

The term healthy can be very misleading in so many recipes, so I thought I would give your some additional information. Here’s a breakdown of the health benefits of the key ingredients for my Health Mango Salsa.


  • High in fiber, which helps with digestion
  • Contains unique antioxidant phytochemicals hat have been linked to anti-cancer properties
  • Loaded with Vitamin C, which helps boost immunity through the production of white blood cells
  • contain a derivative of Vitamin A call beta-carotene, that functions as an antioxidant and helps protect vision
  • Contains Niacin, part of the B Vitamins that gives you an energy boost


  • like tomatillos, it’s rich in Vitamin A, 25% of the recommended daily value in one mango
  • One of the highest food sources of Vitamin C
  • It also contains phytochemicals that are showing to help with wight loss.
  • Micronutrients help fight cancer.
  • A natural remedy for constipation.
  • Source of potassium and B6 vitamins

I think it’s worth noting that mango is a tropical fruit that is higher in sugar. It’s good to eat this super fruit in moderation. and balance out your day with apples and berries that are low in sugar. One serving is a cup of mango, so that’s actually quite a bit! Here’s a great source on all things mango.

Whole Food Nutrition

The lime juice, jalapeno, cilantro and sea salt all have great nutritional value as well! It’s hard to go wrong when you are using all fresh ingredients and nothing out of a can.

What to Eat with Healthy Mango Salsa

Well, you could just eat it by the spoonful but you’ll probably want some better ideas. I really like it in bowl recipes, like a mexican bowl with rice, black beans, chicken and avocadoes. It’s also good with in a jerk shrimp bowl and I love it on salmon tacos. it’s a great topping on pretty much any seafood. And of course, it’s perfect with some tortilla chips. (Just try to get a healthier version.)

You are precious in His sight,


Healthy Mango Salsa

A quick fresh salsa with mango and roasted tomatillos. A great way to enjoy sweet mango.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 11 minutes
Course Appetizer, dinner, lunch, Side Dish, Snack, supper
Cuisine Mexican
Servings 2


  • 4 tomatillos, medium to large
  • 1 mango
  • 1 jalapeno pepper
  • 1 lime
  • ¼ Cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1 mango
  • pinch sea salt


  • Preheat oven to 425.
  • Husk and wash tomatillos.
  • Slice tomatillos in half and spread them out on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
  • Rinse jalapeno. Slice it in half. Remove the seeds and place the halves on the baking sheet
  • Roast the tomatillos and jalapeno for 11 minutes. Check it and if they are seem really hard, you might need to roast a minute longer. You don't want them mushy, just soft.
  • Wash your hands with soap after handling the jalapenos.
  • While it's roasting, slice a lime in half and squeeze all the juice into your food processor.
  • Wash cilantro and chop it. Add to the food processor.
  • Add roasted tomatillos and jalapenos to the food processor. Taste a bit of jalapeno to decide how much spice you want to add to the salsa.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Pour into a bowl.
  • Add a pinch or two of salt.
  • Chop mango into small pieces and stir into the salsa.
  • Enjoy as a topping on bowls or tacos.
Keyword cilantro, ftaco topping, healthy, healthy bowls topping, mango, salsa, tomatillo

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